MyPillow guy Mike Lindell has lost what little might have been left of his mind

Like I said in one of my other articles–you just can’t make this stuff up. So, word has it that MyPillow CEO and human basket case, Mike Lindell, is set to yank ALL his advertising from Fox Non-News. I assume that includes Tucker Carlson’s show. Before the cheers start–it gets better.

The reason Lindell is citing is–well–basically, Fox has betrayed him by refusing to run an ad saying the election was stolen. Sigh. What a fun day THIS is turning out to be!

So, to sum up–Lindell is pulling all advertising, no doubt costing the hate network a fortune. But he is doing so because the hate network isn’t hateful ENOUGH.

I do not know whether to laugh, cry, or finally admit what has long been discussed–this is all a simulation.

Now, it is always essential to remember Lindell could change his mind as delusional morons have been known to do.

But I am enjoying the HECK out of this story. Both the network and the traitor (great name for a miniseries) deserve to be punished for their hate-speak. Now, both of them will be if this holds. Lindell loses support, and Fox loses more advertising. It could not happen to a more deserving group of bottom feeders.

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