President Biden’s record setting recovery

Although the economy has been thriving ever since Joe Biden was sworn in as the nation’s 46th president, with markets recovering right after it was clear he’d won the election, Republicans have been furiously foot stomping that their doomsday prophecies haven’t come true, so they’ve stooped to arguing that the pandemic is over, so recovery would have happened regardless of who was president. This is, of course, absolute nonsense and falls apart the moment you look at other countries struggling with COVID variants and realize that the country would have been infinitely worse under a second Trump term. After all, the former guy fell short of even the very modest vaccination goals he set for the end of 2020.

Now, the economy is roaring back to life on a whole new level. It didn’t merely wake up from the coma that the COVID pandemic put it in – but now the GDP is at a record high not seen in the last four decades. Between April and June, the GDP grew at an annual rate of 6.5% – even when the Congressional Budget Office predicted it would be 3% below pre-pandemic levels.

This means a full recovery with a 12% climb in consumer spending – and this is before the passing of a bipartisan infrastructure package that will help the economy substantially for many Americans by creating even more jobs and attracting even more investors. We’re not fully out of the woods but the bottom line is an aggressive campaign against COVID is working – and America is winning under the Biden administration.

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