Megyn Kelly flips out

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I want to start this article with a quote: “O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face! Did ever a dragon keep so fair a cave?” This is a quote from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. There are many quotes that hold so much meaning within the sparse but poetic words. This is one such quote. There seem to be certain people whose serpent hearts have indeed been hidden away, but one cannot ignore their manifestations now. One such person is Megyn Kelly.

I have written about her before and that is because her behavior must be called out. She is doing much to divide us, just like her former coworkers at FOX are. Kelly went off the rails this week. Declaring that most News Networks are not to be trusted, Kelly launched a series of vile attacks on several anchors. They include Joy Reid, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. Notice how two of the three are people of color.

I believe it is jealousy that is playing a huge role in the cancelled Kelly’s anger. Obviously, she cannot find a respectable job. Who would have her? But I also want to tell you about a beautiful article I once read. It was actually all about Lemon.

It was written by a good friend of Lemon’s, and one of its quotes is this: “We were destined to like each other.” It was a lovely article. You know who wrote it? Megyn Kelly. That’s right. The two were good friends. But now Kelly is out of the mainstream news. When people get bitter that is often when the serpent rears its ugly head. And each time it does, it’s essential that the hissing serpent gets called out.

Palmer Report will not bow down to Donald Trump. We will not bow down to Elon Musk. We will fight. Help us fight:
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