Megyn Kelly finds a whole new way to embarrass herself

It seems that these days, podcasts are all the rage among those who used to have a place on Fox News.

First we have everybody’s favorite plaintiff, Bill O’Reilly. Mr. O’Reilly was forced out of Fox News in 2017, after it was revealed he had settled many lawsuits having to do with sexual harassment allegations. He accepted his fate and now does a “no spin” podcast which I do not, and never will, subscribe to.

Then there is Megyn Kelly. She was a rising star at Fox until she was targeted by Donald trump for harassment after daring to ask him about his treatment of women. Megyn eventually left fox and went to NBC where she was ousted in 2018 after comments she made regarding not seeing a problem with wearing blackface in Halloween costumes.

She too, has started a podcast as well as spending quite a bit of time tweeting about trans people, people of color and how Mayor Pete should not be considered the first openly gay cabinet member. According to Megyn, that honor goes to Richard Grenell who worked briefly for Trump. The thing about that is, he only worked in an acting capacity. Grenell was never confirmed. Great job Megyn!

Nor are the up and coming podcasters confined to just former Fox hosts. Let us not forget Attorney Alan Dershowitz. The Dersh was once a respected attorney but in later years he has disgraced himself with his fawning over Donald Trump.

Dersh has also generated lots of negative publicity after it came out he got a massage at the home of Jeffrey Epstein. Dersh defended himself by insisting he kept his underwear on at all times. This defense did not move me at all but did cause me to lose my dinner. Now, all of these people are running podcasts. None have succeeded in being reinstated on television. It’s a bitter comedown compared to what they used to do.

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