Matt Gaetz has “sniveling little twit” meltdown

Not content to merely be a loser and a joke, Matt Gaetz is now quickly upping the ante to make sure people realize he is a terrorist supporter as well. As Palmer Report told you, Gaetz has declared the Taliban has more legitimacy than President Biden, quickly showing with that statement his ignorance knows no boundaries.

Now, the volcano-haired Gaetz has decided to hone in on Dr. Fauci. In a statement, Gaetz labeled him “a sniveling little twit.” This occurred during an American last rally with his partner in bile Marjorie Taylor Greene.

I want to address a few things regarding Gatez. One of the questions: “What’s taking so long to indict?”

It doesn’t seem that long to me, but his indictment seems, barring some extraordinary happening, to be almost guaranteed. Another complaint I occasionally see is why continue writing about Gaetz.

To that, I would answer because that’s what we do. We must shine a light on disgusting behavior. Imagine if, for example, nobody knew of the sick statements of Tucker Carlson. He might acquire viewers he would not have had if they read the truth about him.

This applies to ALL the scandals. Yes, they are messy, they’re disgusting, and some make me want to take a shower to wipe off the sleaze, but GOP corruption needs to be called out whether the corruption is from Congresspeople, Governors, Senators, or sycophantic TV hosts.

The more people who know about their evil, the more they can fight against said evil. And with Gaetz, there is MUCH evil. But so many do not KNOW of all the evil. It may be difficult to believe for political junkies such as ourselves, but many do not pay much attention to this stuff. Some don’t pay attention at all. So, when horrific statements are made, we must fight them and call the propaganda speakers out. And we must do continue to do it.

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