Matt Gaetz freaks out

And now another installment of “freakouts by a High-Haired Floridian Congressman.” That Congressman is, of course, one Matt Gaetz (in trouble and knows it-insurrection party-Florida). These last few weeks have not been kind to the panic-stricken Congressman. There has been news leaking that Gaetz could be indicted quite soon.
And all of his problems have been taking their toll. Gaetz has been manically tweeting on Twitter, his bad hair days seem to be the norm these days, and he is becoming unhinged as he accuses everybody of everything.
Gaetz’s latest embarrassing thing was to endorse the vile conspiracy theory that the FBI was involved in the insurrection.
Appearing on Newsmax, Gaetz looking tired, with his hair standing on end and a mad gleam in his eye, proceeded to blame an American terrorist attack on the very people who may indict him, proving once again that Gaetz was not given the gift of intelligence.
Here is a bit of what the Venmo lover had to say: “The question of whether or not the FBI animated some of the criminal conduct is one that is far more grave…it’s reasonable to ask whether or not the FBI is engaged in a playbook where first they infiltrate an organization, and then they try to bring that organization to the point of criminal conduct as a mechanism as to try and bring it down … What did the FBI know? And when did they know it?”
This is who sits in Congress! Only maybe not for much longer. Gaetz has become such a joke that it is being reported that people who worked for him are scrubbing his name off their resumes. It’s not looking good for Gaetz, and as his public meltdown worsens, he must know the world is watching.
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