Marco Rubio is running scared

Senator Marco Rubio’s lack of courage will be his undoing. Courage is a virtue many of us seek to attain in our own lives. And for Politicians, courage is vital. If one is a Politician and lacks courage, it is impossible to make a difference. One will always be a prisoner of their own fear.

And for Senator Rubio (lacks courage-insurrection party-Florida), this fear has come to define the man. Fear has been Rubio’s consistent ruler as he has tried unsuccessfully to show the American people that he is on their side.

Consider this quote by Mark Twain: “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”

These are not words that Rubio appears to have taken to heart. Time and again, Rubio has shown his cowardice. And this week, Rubio’s cowardice was on full display.

It was five years since the Pulse nightclub shooting. Rubio posted this statement: “Five years ago today, radical jihadist terrorism reached #Florida. We pray for those who lost loved ones in the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9-11.”

That statement was promptly followed by Rubio blocking his Twitter account from receiving replies to this statement. You heard that correctly. Nobody was able to reply to the Senator because his cowardice was in full bloom. He limited the responses to only those few people he follows.

I am just going to say what I am sure many are thinking. In my opinion, Rubio does not give a damn about any shooting. If he did, he would do something. He would try to pass sensible gun safety reform. He would denounce the NRA. He was asked to denounce them, live on stage by the Parkland survivors, and refused to do so.

Marco Rubio has not mastered his fear. On the contrary, he has allowed fear to rob him of his dignity, courage, and humanity. And that is why he needs to lose his Senate seat in 2022.

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