You want this to come out

We're gearing up for the fight of our lives. We're actively fighting back against Donald Trump's attempt at authoritarianism. We're fundraising to build Palmer Report into the kind of juggernaut that can work around the media, get the truth out there, and weaken Trump. Help us make it happen by donating to the cause: Donate Now

It just keeps getting uglier. First we all learned that the Trump DOJ was spying on the personal data of the House Democrats who were investigating Donald Trump’s criminal scandals. Then we learned that the Trump DOJ was also spying on at least one of Trump’s own White House officials, for reasons that can’t possibly have been above board. There’s certainly a lot more about to come out about this scandal, and it’s only going to get uglier from here.

But here’s the thing. As unnerving as these latest Trump scandals are, you want them to keep coming out. It’s the sheer ugliness of a scandal that forces the issue and drives public sentiment, making it a whole lot easier for the DOJ to prosecute Trump and his goons – or conversely, a whole lot harder for the DOJ not to prosecute them.

Don’t let the ugliness of these scandals discourage you. Instead, use them to help steer public opinion. This is all working in our favor, in terms of putting the Trump regime behind bars, and in terms of winning the 2022 midterms. Voters in the middle don’t like the idea of voting for criminals.

Also, as these Trump scandals keep getting uglier, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that they’re happening in the present tense, and that Trump is somehow in office still doing this stuff. It’s important to remind ourselves that we ousted this guy for a reason, and that he’s gone. We’re now learning about things that he did before he was gone. It just feels like it’s somehow happening in the present tense. But don’t let that demotivate you. We are absolutely winning the battle these days. We just have to keep fighting and winning.

We're gearing up for the fight of our lives. We're actively fighting back against Donald Trump's attempt at authoritarianism. We're now at $33,130 out of our $100,000 goal to build Palmer Report into the kind of juggernaut that can work around the media, get the truth out there, and weaken Trump. Help us make it happen: Donate Now