Insult to injury for Donald Trump’s kids

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You may recall that shortly before the former guy left office, he made the highly unusual move of signing an executive order extending Secret Service protection six months after he left office for numerous family members and a few staff.

I’m assuming this means that come July 20th, his kids, their children and spouses will lose their coveted Secret Service chauffeurs, status symbols and accessories, along with all the perks, conveniences, and shields from the lowly peasants that came with them, free of charge.

This is bound to be yet another big blow to their fragile moods and egos, catapulting them into tasting some semblance of the reality that they have no fail-proof protection from their precarious circumstances. Don, Jr. and his Twitter rants may suffer the most — there are ‘bad trips’ in his future in more ways than one. Without a constant babysitter, and with his freedom and livelihood at stake, Jr. may be unable to “Just say No” at all — not good for him or Daddy Trump.

Palmer Report will not bow down to Donald Trump. We will not bow down to Elon Musk. We will fight. Help us fight:
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