House Republicans go completely bonkers on eve of January 6th hearings

“Punish them!”

“They have betrayed us!”

“How dare they?”

It’s truly amazing. The January sixth commission hasn’t even started yet, and the insurrection party is already blowing it.

The words above may or may not have been spoken by various insurrection supporters. But according to multiple reports, words like them are flowing freely.

They are flowing from the mouths of angry and sputtering cowardly GOP members who, as a new day is about to dawn and a serious investigation is about to start, seem less concerned about this investigation than about punishing their fellow GOP members who are set to INVESTIGATE the tragic insurrection.

News is pouring out, with various reports confirming what we already knew. The GOP does not give a horse’s ass about anything that happened on January sixth.

And the GOP wants to “punish” Kinzinger and Cheney for daring to want to get to the bottom of things! Well, that’s a great campaign strategy if I ever saw one! (Sarcasm.)

It will probably happen. These dorks seem just dumb enough that they will try to do SOMETHING to punish the last remaining decent House members. But it will not work.

Why not? Because these members do not CARE what the dorkish insurrection supporters do. They are patriots, and they are doing their JOB. I realize the concept of doing one’s job is difficult for most of the GOP to wrap their heads around.

But in any case, they are doing their jobs and doing them with pride and patriotism. They don’t give a hoot about a bunch of babbling cowards who are most likely even now thinking of how they will protect the former guy.

So, the hearings will start tomorrow. Buckle up as it’s going to be very interesting. As for the morons screeching from the sidelines-we really don’t care, do we?

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