Herschel Walker runs and hides

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

Back in 2012, actor Clint Eastwood did an empty chair stunt at the GQP convention where he talked to an empty chair that was supposed to represent President Obama. It became one of the biggest WTF moments for the GQP in the 2012 campaign, and Eastwood came to regret it because it made him look like a fool.

I thought of the empty chair stunt when I learned that Walker didnโ€™t show up for the debate, and the moderator stated Walker would instead be represented by an empty podium:

This constitutes yet another major own goal on the part of Walker. People got to hear Senator Warnock and third-party candidate Chase Oliver but Walker refusing to attend the debate meant that people didnโ€™t get to hear any of his responses or policy positions (if he even has any) beyond what the Orange Golden Calf (OGC) and the GQP leadership want).

And in a larger sense, the empty podium is symbolic of the entire Republican platform. Theyโ€™re a largely empty podium when it comes to helping most Americans. They like to attack others but donโ€™t want to answer questions and explain why theyโ€™re the best candidates for office, (which they never are). Eastwood and now Walker have emphasized that in manners that massively backfired on them and the GQP.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.