Good news for Democrats

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Isn’t it great to get good news? And that is precisely what the Democrats have received with regard to the 2022 midterm elections. There is a new poll out from Morning Consult/Politico. And that poll is very encouraging for Democrats.

The poll finds more voter enthusiasm on the part of the Democrats than the Republicans for the midterm elections. This poll shows 81 percent of Democrats are enthusiastic about voting in 2022. Republicans scored 72 percent. That is a difference of nine points.

The poll also showed that Joe Biden voters had a higher enthusiasm level for 2022 than Trump voters. Eighty-two percent of people who voted for Biden were enthusiastic versus 70 percent of Trump voters.

This should not be a big surprise. Many Trump voters do not believe the election was legitimate. This is because the former guy told them this. So, when you look at it from that perspective, Trump is hurting the GOP’S chances in 2022.

Also, Democrats want a bigger majority in the Senate and the House but particularly the Senate. If we get that, the Manchin factor becomes irrelevant.

Now the election is still quite a distance away. Anything can happen (and usually does in politics). But these numbers show lots of enthusiasm, and Democrats must feel good about that. As for Republicans? They’re so busy screaming about things like Mr. Potato Head that it would be surprising if they even noticed.

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