Give Joe Biden some credit, will you?

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Time passes quickly with President Biden having been very busy this year. Domestically, he signed an Infrastructure Bill for $1.2 of spending that will help every state, including Republican led ones. He put together a plan to alleviate the problems of the supply chain at ports and waterways to move more products to stores in your area. He signed a law providing cost of living increases to veterans — more money in their checkbooks.

On immigration he stopped workplace raids while raising the caps on legal immigration. Immigrants have made our country greater all throughout our history.

As far as climate change, he returned us to the Paris Accord to be in partnership with other world leaders while allocating $5 billion to FEMA to help with climate related disasters. Help so needed due to recent tornado damage.

His Covid response deployed military assistance in areas that were desperate for help vaccinating citizens. He invoked the Defense Production Act to accelerate production of vaccines, and had the US donate vaccines to countries in NEED, because unless this virus is beaten in all countries we will never be fully safe. The administration will deliver more than 25 million masks to health centers/shelters/food pantries – because mask wearing does reduce the spread of Covid.

On national security / foreign policy he ended a 20 year war. It was never going to end well, but no more American lives are going to be in jeopardy there. His predecessor laid out the timeline, so if you don’t like how it wen, blame can be placed there.

In the judiciary, Biden is filling vacancies at a rapid pace. He also threw out 32 last minute Trump appointees, because they were unqualified for the position. This is just a short list, there were too many for this article, but you can research as I did.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report