Fascinating poll numbers in response to Derek Chauvin verdict

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It’s always nice when America agrees on something. It doesn’t happen that often. But it has happened this week.

We are all celebrating the verdict in the trial of murderer Derek Chauvin. Found guilty on all three counts against him, the sociopathic former officer is now a prisoner in segregated housing for his own safety. And accountability has been meted out. George Floyd’s life mattered and continues to matter. And Americans agree.

USA Today-Ipsos conducted an online poll after the verdict was reached. One thousand people were polled. The results found that seventy-one percent of people approved of the verdict and felt Chauvin was indeed guilty.

To put it in perspective, that amounts to almost three-quarters of the people surveyed.

Eighty-five percent of Democrats believed the verdict was correct. Seventy-one percent of independents felt the same. Regarding Republicans, the numbers were not surprisingly a bit lower, with fifty-five percent of Republicans in agreement on the verdict.

So, it seems most Americans agree with the verdict. This is excellent news. While there will always be those racists who disagree (see Bill O’Reilly’s meltdown on Twitter), this poll shows that our great country has not lost the ability to empathize and care deeply about justice.

We still have a long way to go. But we can never forget that twelve individuals from differing backgrounds came together and decided on the correct verdict. And we cannot ignore this poll which shows that America is essentially in agreement with the jury.

Change is happening. People are awake and listening. And in a country of seemingly endless division, people came together on this crucial issue. Hopefully, we will continue to come together on things that matter.

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