Dr. Birx spills the beans

“There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially.” Dr Deborah Birx told CNN’s Dr Sanjay Gupta in an interview.

That blockbuster pronouncement came from one of the lead doctors of the COVID Team. To restate; the first 100,000 deaths could not be avoided because of the novel and unknown corona virus BUT, more than 400,000 deaths could have been avoided if the administration of the Former Guy had been up to the task.

This is, of course, a heart-breaking revelation for hundreds of thousands of Americans who lost loved ones to the pandemic. It must also be heart-wrenching for the millions of health care professionals who struggled against both the ravages of the virus and the callous ineptitude (if not evil disregard) of the Orange One’s laissez-faire response to the dangers of COVID-19.

The Biden administration has taken the bull by the horns and dedicated much of their efforts to mitigate the devastation. Still, there is much to be done.

The purview of President Biden’s DOJ must include the criminal culpability of the Former Guy and those of his administration; Alex Azar, Dr. Scott Atlas, the bumbling, out-of-his-depth advisor to 45 and a whole raft of others – including Dr Birx, herself – who share in the disastrous mishandling of this health crisis.

What will be done? AG Merrick Garland must be pressured to open an investigation and bring criminal charges against the proprietor of Mar-a-Lago, the Orange Florida Man. As citizens, we can and must induce the Attorney General and our government representatives to bring the perpetrators of this horrific crime against humanity to justice. The hundreds of thousands who have perished unnecessarily in the pandemic must be avenged.

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