Donald Trump is responsible for this

Republican leadership’s continued refusal to acknowledge truth will be the downfall of our democracy. People need honesty. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to take responsibility for their actions. We need Donald Trump, and his enablers, to be held accountable.

Donald Trump spent the better part of his presidency inciting his followers while Republican leaders stood by, quietly allowing it:

He demonized all who contradicted him. The media, political opponents, even those who were previously loyal to him. His supporters accepted his truths, despite the accounts of former high ranking officials and family members who spoke out against him.

He created a space for white supremacists to feel emboldened, and his supporters didn’t seem to mind supporting a man who is widely supported by bigots.

He perpetuated a narrative that Democrats are trying to take away their country, their freedoms, and their religion. He increased anxieties and fears about immigrants, and even garnered support for family separation. Many families, now, forever separated.

He refused to condemn QAnon because he knew they liked him. Rather than denounce the conspiracies, he reinforced them.

He programmed his followers to disregard unfavorable facts. Trump’s truth became the only truth. Any criticism of Trump was perceived as an attack on all. Trump is banned from Twitter, and somehow they’re ALL being censored (and tweeting about it). Dissent from Trump is a punishable offense. You either agree with them, or you’re the enemy.

With the unwavering loyalty he amassed throughout his presidency, and with all the fear and anger he incited, he then went on to lie about election fraud. He told his supporters the election had been stolen, and they believed him. They still believe him. Donald Trump is responsible for the January 6th insurrection. His entire presidency led up to it. Hold him accountable.

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