Donald Trump is going to hate this

What was that? I am referring to the arguments of attorney Bruce Castor, one of Trump’s impeachment lawyers. Castor just finished his opening argument, and let’s say it didn’t go well.

First off, Castor announced he’d changed his presentation because the House Democrats did such a good job. They did. However, that was quite the odd statement. From my perspective, Castor seemed a bit in awe of the Democratic impeachment managers, particularly Raskin. But it is nice to hear from Trump’s attorney that The Democrats have put together such a great case. Thanks, Bruce!

Castor then spoke for quite a while. What were the points he made? I cannot tell you because I am still trying to figure it out. He rambled. He rambled. You get the picture.

However, it certainly appears that a new cure for insomnia has been found. This speech by Castor likely helped dozens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people get some much-needed shuteye, so there is that.

Castor also appeared to be reading from notes he’d prepared. One wonders how he did not fall asleep writing them. All over Twitter, tweets by bewildered people were sent out, asking the most basic of questions. “What is he talking about?”

And of course, we save the best for last. Winding down, Castor suggested that the way to remove a President who does bad is by voting him out, which the people have done. Castor’s exact words were, “He was removed by the voters.”

Oh no! One can imagine the foam coming out of the mouth of a certain disgraced person watching television in Florida. Will Castor still have his job tomorrow? We can only wait and see.

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