Arrest Donald Trump

Since November 8, 2016, I have refused to watch MSM, because of their ongoing failure to adequately sound the alarm about Trump. I even stopped watching my favorite comedy news shows that I used to love because it’s too cringey and I prefer reading my news, which I do so almost constantly. That said, lately, I have come to appreciate the podcast.

Yesterday I listened to legal analyst Glenn Kirschner reveal three data points that prove Donald Trump’s guilt in the attempt to overthrow our government and reverse our free and fair elections. Kirschner also stressed that Trump and his co-conspirators are an ongoing threat to our safety. Kirschner urged the DOJ to forego further investigations and use the overwhelming evidence already available to arrest Trump and others who are inciting violence.

Also yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they have observed, “an increasing but modest level of activity online,” by people who are calling for violence in response to baseless claims of 2020 election fraud. Echoing Kirschner’s message, a senior DHS official explained, the department “does not have the luxury of waiting till we uncover information with the level of specificity, regarding a potential location and the time of an attack” to act on potential threats due to the threat environment.

While I agree that we must let the DOJ do the job properly to make their cases airtight for the best chance of conviction, the evidence shows that those activities may occur during August 2021. Can we really afford to wait for another insurrection and more deaths?

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