The FBI has a confidential source within Donald Trump’s ranks with detailed knowledge of Mar-a-Lago, per Newsweek. It’s becoming more clear to everyone why these DOJ probes take this long, right? It’s that complex of a process. But while the big story is that the Feds have managed to obtain a confidential source against Trump…

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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

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As gubernatorial candidate for Texas, Beto O’Rourke, was speaking at a town hall; he was interrupted. The person doing the interrupting was a man who self-identified as a preacher. And he was armed to the teeth. The man made no threats. But he did have a question for Beto: Are you pro-choice? Don’t you know…

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This weekend, Lauren Boebert appeared on television and insisted that Hunter Biden is “comprised.” She was supposed to say “compromised,” and everyone on social media promptly piled on, under the presumption that Boebert is so dumb, she doesn’t actually know the difference between the two words. But here’s the thing. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor…

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