No wonder House Republicans threw such a panicked fit over the DOJ’s big move against Donald Trump

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When the DOJ had the FBI carry out a search and seizure warrant at Donald Trump’s home on Monday, no one would have expected Trump’s political allies to have been pleased about it. But House Republicans, instead of accepting the reality that Trump is going down and they’d be better off moving on and pretending they barely ever knew him, ended up having a hysterically over the top reaction.

Kevin McCarthy, the highest ranking House Republican, immediately began publicly vowing retaliation against Attorney General Merrick Garland. Other Trump allies in the House began making even more asininely over the top threats. You’d have thought the DOJ had targeted House Republicans themselves.

Then came Tuesday, when the DOJ did target a House Republican, by having the FBI seize the cellphone of Rep. Scott Perry. It takes a lot to get a federal judge to sign off on a search and seizure warrant against anyone, let alone a member of Congress. And while there’s still no way to predict precisely what the DOJ will do or when it’ll do it, given just how many House Republicans were involved in Trump’s election overthrow plot, it’s exceedingly difficult to imagine that the DOJ will stop with just Perry.

So if House Republicans had that panicked over the top reaction when they saw the Feds going into Trump’s house because they feared they were next, it looks like they were right after all. The DOJ carried out a warrant against one of them just 24 hours later. Who’s next, and when? No wonder House Republicans had the reaction they did. They feared that once the DOJ was knocking on Trump’s door, it was going to start taking them down as well – and for once they were proven correct about something.

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