Zero for three

On Wednesday night, two events were occurring simultaneously. One was a debate that featured Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. This was on CNN. The other event was a cozy town hall in Iowa on Fox non-news with Donald Trump. It does not matter what questions were asked. It does not matter what the answers were. It doesn’t matter because all these people were lying.

Lying. It is the one thing Republicans do with aplomb. The debate between DeSantis and Haley was awful. The candidates answered few questions of substance and instead focused on each other — and what liars the other one was. I lost track, friends and readers and of how many times Nikki Haley said the word “liar” about DeSantis.

DeSantis IS a liar, but Haley was ostensibly there to answer questions. She didn’t do an excellent job of that. DeSantis likewise threw potshots at Haley. He called her a “mealy-mouthed” politician.

Haley urged people to visit the website Watching these two go at it was a curious experience. I was watching babies, playground children, and CNN was their hub. Instead of explaining to the American people what their ideas were, they chose to go at each other, offering carefully scripted platitudes to the audience when they DID have to provide some answer. This is likely why they both bombed.

And then there was Trump. During a gentle and free-flowing town hall where no hard questions were asked, Trump bragged voraciously about Roe being overthrown. He also kept assuring people he would not be a dictator, but of course, we know he would be.

These three people- Trump, DeSantis, and Haley- are the best of what the GOP has to offer, which is, of course, nothing much. We have one republican candidate who gets an A+ for skirting answers and offering no answers with any depth.

We have a Florida Governor who is an oddball, and who trembles at the thought of attacking Donald Trump. And then there was Trump. The third candidate is a traitor, an insurrectionist, and the perfect form of evil — what I mean by that is Trump is the incarnation of evil, he is how evil would look if evil had physical form.

Three politicians. Three empty vessels. Three politicians, all of whom are determined to nab that nomination to represent the insurrection party as its face. Three failures, none of whom will win in 2024 — no way, no how, no chance.

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