You’ve got to be kidding

The following story is incredible. When I first began digging into it, all I could really do was shake my head and mutter: “FOOLS.” Because that is what the GOP are — fools. All over, we see Republican fools. They’re in the Senate. Some of them are Governors. They’re in the House, screwing everything up.

As you know, we won big in the 2023 elections. Abortion carried the day as scores of pro-life people told antichoice Republicans to back off. Now, my friends — this is NOT a story of some new archaic law Republicans want to pass. Nor is it about overriding the will of the voters. Oh my goodness, no. This story is about denial.

Republicans are in denial. It’s become a cesspool for them. But it also shows how utterly insane they are. Republicans have a new refrain. It is NOT “We won.” It couldn’t be because they lost. Nope. I am reading about the new and improved slogan here: we ALMOST won.

This is not a joke. All over, little Republican articles are popping up saying their losses weren’t THAT bad. Consider this beauty, written by Ramesh Pinnuru. The title of the piece? “The GOP’s winning abortion strategy got lost in its Virginia defeat.”

In this article. Pinnuru argues earnestly that the GOP did not lose by all that much, and if one looks at the data, they will see Governor Youngkin’s 15-week abortion ban idea was successful. “It kind of worked.”

This brings gas-lighting to a new level. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try to gaslight THEMSELVES before. It appears to be working. In this article, the writer calls Youngkin: “audacious” and says the fact that the Gop did not lose by more significant numbers in a blue state shows the TRUE power of the republican party.

Say it with me: denial. Here is a delightfully hysterical quote from this article: “If Republicans nationally could advance as deeply into Biden territory as Virginia Republicans just did, they would win the 2024 elections comfortably.”

They WOULD? Really? Are they THAT delusional? The answer to that question is that they are, as thousands of people in the comment section told them:

“Oh, I see. By not winning, that’s a win. What are you smoking?”

“Does Ponnuru think we’re that stupid?”

“And if I could drain 25-foot jump hits. I’d have a chance at the NBA.”

This insane article is far from the only one. All over, Republicans are telling themselves: we didn’t lose by that much. I am here to tell them, yes, you did. I think the GOP is going through an acute state of denial. I had not heard of this new “we almost won” strategy. I think it’s a good one that hopefully the GOP will take with them through the 2024 elections.”

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