Why does Donald Trump get a pass?

I’ve came to the conclusion about my former political party, the GOP, that the only values it represents are double standards, hypocrisy, no accountability and whataboutism. Trump is the manifestation of this movement, because he sets the standard of always getting a pass on all the harm he has done during and before his term as the President of the United States.

Twitter is considering labelling Trump tweets that violate its rules, according to a new report by Hadas Gold of CNN, meaning that Twitter will not take the tweets down because they’re “newsworthy.” This is a clear demonstration of no accountability, because if a regular Twitter user were to violate the rules, not only would their tweet would be removed, they could be suspended from Twitter permanently. Why does Trump get a pass?

This lack of accountability is not just on Twitter, but in real life too, with Trump and the Republican Party. We can go back in time when Hillary Clinton was investigated. She was publicly interrogated for eleven hours by Congress, and the investigation itself lasted a couple of years. Yet Trump will not release the Mueller report, and he has not testified or been interrogated about his scandals in any way. Why does he get a pass?

With all of the asinine things that Trump has done over the years, why has the Republican Party defended him? They’ve demonized Democrats, Hollywood celebs, anyone outside of their conservative bubble. But Trump’s comments like “grab them by the pussy” are considered locker room talk. They supported a fake national emergency because a wall fits the Trump agenda. Banning people because of a certain religion is okay with the GOP even though it’s unconstitutional, but a Muslim Congresswoman questioning an Israeli American lobby is a “sin” in their eyes. Why the double standards with the GOP?

The Republican Party says that the Democratic Party hates Jews, even though the Republicans ignore antisemitic comments from their own members like Steve King and Paul Nehlen. The list could go on and on and on. I don’t know what can be done about this since I am no legal expert. I am merely a pundit who is a concerned American citizen, and I feel obligated to point out these hypocrisies. I hope the right person will see this, and the people we elected will do something about it. If not, let’s elect people who will. Stop giving Trump a pass.

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