When are they just going to admit it?

At the end of the trial day on Thursday, Donald Trump stood there outside the courtroom and lifelessly read glowing headlines about himself aloud that his handlers had given him. It was one of the saddest scenes in the history of modern politics, given that this broken senile blob is a major party presumptive nominee for President.

How much more obvious does it need to be that Trump has given up? After most of his own family declined to attend his criminal trial, a few key House and Senate Republicans showed up instead. One of them even flat out admitted that he was there because Trump was lonely and needed moral support.

Again, this a major party nominee for President of the United States we’re talking about. Yet he’s given up so badly that the leaders of his party had to show up to his trial in order to comfort him?

Earlier this week Trump’s pals like Roger Stone began tweeting fake overhead photos of Trump’s recent political rally, depicting the crowd as having been perhaps ten times larger than it really was. Trump’s own pals clearly think he’s given up, and they’re trying to find a way to keep him from falling apart completely. Then in court, Trump’s handlers gave him those same rally crowd photos, in an effort to cheer him up while Michael Cohen was testifying.

At this point Donald Trump is basically a walking corpse. He’s given up. It’s not difficult to understand why. He’s already facing confusion, anxiety, and depression from his worsening dementia. Now he’s losing a criminal trial badly on top of it. The people around him aren’t focused on trying to help win anything. They’re just trying to keep him from giving up completely.

Again, this is one of the saddest, most embarrassing things we’ve ever seen in American politics. It’s just so plainly obvious that Donald Trump has given up in every sense of the phrase. Yet the media still doesn’t want to call it like it is. They’re still acting as if this guy, who has completely given up on himself, is still in the fight for something. Yet even the people around Trump know he’s done.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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