What the hell?

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– The British press first reported in January 2017 that Deutsche Bank had funneled billions in Russian money to clients in places like New York City. It was obvious back then that Putin was bankrolling Trump – but the American media completely ignored the story. In fact a few American media outlets took pot shots at me because I dared to write about it. If only the media had done its job at the time.

– The media also spent two years baselessly insisting every day that Trump was about to fire Mueller. Now we’re learning Mueller didn’t do his job for fear he’d get fired. At what point do we hold the media responsible for consequences of the false narratives that it hypes just to try to get ratings? I hate to keep harping on it, but at some point the public is going to have to do a better job of holding the media accountable for its false narratives.

– Rod Rosenstein illegally obstructed an investigation into a criminal plot between a presidential candidate and a foreign country to rig an election. If Donald Trump committed treason by conspiring with Russia against the United States, and he did, then Rosenstein is guilty of conspiracy to commit treason.

– Tweet of the day, from legendary actor Alan Alda: “In the 70s I wrote a piece for MS. magazine on why men should support the ERA. A law professor fact-checked it and said, ‘Whoever wrote this seems to know nothing about constitutional law.’ So, instead, I interviewed HER. She was brilliant. And kind. She was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

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