What do they think they’re doing?

Can anyone out there figure out what the hell Republicans are doing? They have spent inordinate amounts of time on non-issues, such as the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and Jim Jordan’s continued attempts to interfere in criminal investigations. They have also elevated a Bible-thumping, backwards thinking leader to the speakership who wants to cut food going to women and children (the children they want to force women to have). God knows Kevin McCarthy isn’t much better, but he told the truth when he said: “We are the laughingstock on the global stage.” He’s part of why they’re laughing given the claims of him elbowing another House member in the back and as recently revealed, “shoulder-checking” Adam Kinzinger, who discussed the issue in his book “Renegade.” In his CNN interview, Kinzinger exposed that the shoulder-check “was not an insolated event but part of a pattern of behavior by McCarthy.” Attention, Republicans: We need grown folks in Congress. Whatever happened to governing? Republicans are all about revenge and tit-for-tat, including their false claims about January 6.

Two (almost three) years later, Republicans are still trying to make the January 6 insurrection something it absolutely was not. It was not a group of tourists, and it certainly was not a peaceful protest. Those fools were hunting down members of Congress and destroying everything in their path. Yet, Republicans call them “patriots.” Patriots don’t destroy our institutions. It doesn’t help that Republicans are just as foolish, starting with Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who claimed that one of the rioters was an undercover federal agent, which is a nod to Republicans’ latest conspiracy theory that the entire thing was orchestrated by the FBI. All of that has been debunked, but they keep pressing the issue. It is beginning to appear that Republicans like looking stupid if they appeal to a small faction of the U.S. population. An analyst for Salon, Amanda Marcotte, said this whole thing is going to blow up in Republicans’ faces. That will be no surprise.

Marcotte wrote that Republicans releasing new footage “doesn’t seem like the smartest electoral strategy.” You think? She also wrote: “Sure enough, some of the most annoying people in Congress tweeted conspiracy theories about the footage in language so fevered you could practically hear them panting as they typed.” This is all Republicans have. Spreading lies on the Internet and acting like children on the playground. Marcotte minced no words in her piece, surmising that everyone has already seen enough of this footage to show what happened on January 6: “attempted murder, vandalism, bashing cops, and limitless jackassery from people dumb enough to listen to Donald Trump.”

And that jackassery extends to Republicans in Congress. If Republicans honestly think they’re going to win elections with this nonsense, they’d better keep trying to gerrymander because this plan is going nowhere fast. Republicans are pathetic, and they don’t care who knows it. Hopefully, people who continue to vote for these clowns will wake up one day and see that they are wasting their votes.

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