We’re coming up against it now

Heading into Christmas weekend, the January 6th Committee significantly ramped up the stakes. It leaked to the media that it’s looking to refer Donald Trump to the DOJ for criminal prosecution on charges like obstruction of Congress and wire fraud. It formally targeted multiple House Republicans. And in the process it made clear that during these past few months it’s managed to unearth the basics of what Trump and his allies were really doing behind the scenes in relation to January 6th.
It’s now abundantly clear that the committee intends to ramp up the stakes far higher in the new year. We’ll soon see people like Jim Jordan outright subpoenaed. We’ll see televised public hearings spelling out the entirety of the case against Trump and his allies. We’ll see surprise announcements about who’s been secretly cooperating behind the scenes all along, and who will now testify against Trump during these pubic hearings.
In the meantime we’re embarking on a bit of an oddball week. Today is December 27th. This Friday is New Year’s Eve. Large chunks of the public will remain in holiday mode, and thus potentially less interested in political news, until next Monday. That said, we can still expect fairly important pieces of news to surface during the course of this week.
Even if the committee doesn’t make official noise this week, it’s already put too many things in motion for some of them not to spill out into the open. Mark Meadows is on the clock for DOJ indictment and arrest. Other witnesses are revealing details about the committee’s probe as part of their ongoing legal filings. Witnesses who are cracking under the pressure will say stupid things that give away more about what’s really going on.
So even as you prepare to spend this week in quasi-holiday mode, keep an eye out for big news in relation to the January 6th Committee, its targeted witnesses, and everything else tied to this probe. We’re coming up on it now. And everyone involved knows it, which is why the fireworks will only keep getting bigger.