Well that didn’t last long

Yesterday the Trump regime announced that it had convinced Turkey to agree to a “ceasefire” in its offensive against the U.S.-allied Kurds. Donald Trump bragged on Twitter that it was a “great day for civilization.” But there were immediate signs of trouble, and sure enough, the whole thing has already fallen apart in horrifying fashion.

Almost immediately after the U.S. announced the ceasefire, the government of Turkey piped up and insisted that it was in fact not a “ceasefire.” After that the U.S. ceased using that word. Turkey made clear it was only giving the Kurds 120 hours to evacuate their own land, before it would resume murdering them. This couldn’t be any worse of a deal for the Trump regime, could it? Well, it could and did get worse.

Late last night the AP reported that shelling and smoke could be seen in the town where the Turks had been slaughtering the Kurds. That means the supposed “ceasefire” didn’t even last the 120 hours that Turkey had promised. It didn’t even last a day. But yes, it’s somehow even worse than this.

Foreign Policy is now reporting that Turkish backed forces are using white phosphorous against the Kurds. Yet that’s right, Donald Trump’s decision to hand northern Syria to Turkey has led to chemical weapons being used against the Kurds. Again, the Kurds are U.S. allies – and Trump is now getting them murdered in the most horrific way possible.

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