Walgreens just put itself on the wrong side of a political storm

Walgreens is in the middle of a storm right now. This is because they are refusing to sell the abortion pill in states, including those where it is perfectly legal. As you can guess, this is not welcome news for most people.

The pharmacy confirmed this news on Thursday, sparking fury and outrage all over social media and beyond. They are defending themselves, saying this comes as a result, of an “abundance of caution.”

This is because Walgreens and other pharmacy chains, like CVS, are being pestered and hassled non-stop by republican lawmakers who want to prove their utter contempt of women by cutting off the abortion pill and ensuring women cannot get their hands on it.

Crazed with power, nearly two dozen members of the GOP have recently written to Walgreens, threatening legal action against them if they distribute the pills. This is happening right now, although many in the media barely cover it. But we are.

Walgreens appears terrified of the GOP and says it’s reassured them they will sell no abortion pills. The senior director of external relations had this to say: “There is currently complexity around this issue.” So remember this. And this is the time to reach out to Walgreens, whether by tweet, email, or any way you can, and (politely explain) your position in this matter.

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