Joe Biden is on the verge

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The 2020 election now comes down to three states that haven’t been called yet โ€“ Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia โ€“ along with Arizona, which some news outlets still haven’t called. Here’s the thing: Joe Biden is on the verge of winning.

Biden is looking very good in Pennsylvania, continuing to catch up, with more than enough Biden-friendly votes yet to be counted. The math suggests Biden could end up winning Pennsylvania by a larger number of votes than either Wisconsin or Michigan. We don’t know when the news outlets are looking at calling Pennsylvania, but we expect it to come eventually.

If Joe Biden wins Pennsylvania, that’s it, he’ll be at 273 and he’ll have won the election โ€“ even without Nevada, Arizona, or Georgia. If Biden doesn’t win Pennsylvania, then any two of the other three will put him over the top. Joe Biden is on the verge of winning. It’s likely just a matter of days or hours until the race is called.

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