Donald Trump has utterly maniacal meltdown about Joe Biden

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After a seemingly half-dead Donald Trump wheezed his way through a brief and bizarre Oval Office address about the coronavirus last night, Joe Biden stepped to the plate today and addressed the crisis in a manner that one might expect from a real President.

That’s probably why Trump had an utterly maniacal meltdown tonight about Joe Biden:

This is so far beyond the pale, it’s alarming. To be clear, every word Trump just said about Biden is false. In addition, Trump absolutely does not have a 78% approval rating on his handling of the coronavirus at this point. That number is from last week, and the next round of polling will obviously see that number plummet.

This psychotic maniac Donald Trump sounds like a guy who knows he’s lost his presidency, and is in fear of losing everything. If Trump is going this far off the deep end because he fears he’ll lose the election and go to prison? Or is Trump behaving like this because he fears he’s going to die from the coronavirus? It’s time we have to ask the question.

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