Donald Trump panics and throws his impeachment trial lawyers under the bus

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Donald Trump’s legal team spent yesterday putting on precisely the impeachment trial defense that Trump wanted them to put on. We know this because his attorneys spent the entire time reciting his favorite phony conspiracy theories, attacking his personal enemies, and even speaking in Trumpian language.

But there comes a time when Donald Trump inevitably throws all of his own loyal people under the bus. Just ask the ones who have been indicted, convicted, and imprisoned for committing crimes in his name; Trump has publicly disowned most of them instead of trying to help them out. Trump’s impeachment trial defense team came together just recently, but its members are already going under the bus, simply because Trump gambled on a trial strategy that’s backfiring.

Even a drunk gorilla could have predicted that news of John Bolton’s upcoming tell-all book would leak right around the time of the Senate impeachment trial, and that it would be terrible for Trump. But apparently Trump didn’t see this coming, or didn’t want to believe that Bolton could get the best of him, because he had his legal team base his trial strategy around the assumption that Bolton wouldn’t have anything to say. That backfired when word surfaced that Bolton’s book confirms Trump is guilty in his Ukraine extortion scandal.

Now Donald Trump’s own people are telling the media that this is entirely the fault of Trump’s impeachment trial team. One of Trump’s people is telling Yahoo News that he’s “flabbergasted at how stupidly they have handled this.” That’s hilarious, considering this stupid strategy has Trump’s fingerprints all over it. Trump can’t accept that he blew it, so he’s having his people publicly blame his legal team. But hey, Trump always hires the best people.

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