Ugly blow for Donald Trump

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It was not a good day in court for Donald Trump Friday, as Judge Chutkan issued a protective order, barring Donald Trump from continuing with his unhinged and savage threats. This order limits the scope of what Trump can say, including speaking of “sensitive material.”

Anything that is considered sensitive — meaning, for example, transcripts, recordings, and witness testimony are deemed sensitive information. She also ordered the Trump legal team to review any notes the traitor takes to make sure they do not expose sensitive personal information.

So it was basically a spectacle in which a regal tiger scolded the team of the two-year-old baby. Carefully explaining what is sensitive and what is not, Chutkan was most fair in her ruling.

That won’t stop Donald Trump, though. Nothing will stop him because, as you well know he’s insane and refuses to listen to what anyone says, including Judges. I still think Trump will violate this order. Perhaps it will happen tonight. Perhaps tomorrow. But make no mistake, it WILL be broken because the orange monster cannot help himself.

She also told the trump team that while Trump has a right to free speech, it is not :ABSOLUTE and that Trump must accept the conditions of his release. That’s right — release. Trump is a criminal who is only walking free due to the grace and goodwill of the judges he faces.

The courts now control his life. They are the ones who decide what he says and to whom. So no, our traitor won’t like this. He will soon violate this order, likely sparking yet another hearing, as he tests, teases, and destroys, in the spirit of many a sociopath. This can only end one way – with Trump’s ass thrown where it belongs — in prison.

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