Tucker Carlson hits the panic button

Even on Fox News, it’s always a competition to see which host can be the most egregious apologist for Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and the evils of social conservatism. Tucker Carlson is routinely among the worst of them. But tonight, something must have spooked Carlson, because he ended up doing this on the air:


That’s right, Tucker Carlson is calling for Richard Burr to go to prison for insider trading. Sure, Richard Burr isn’t the biggest Donald Trump ally in the GOP. But he’s still a Republican Senator, and let’s be real here: if people like Burr start going down for financial crimes, it’ll set the kind of precedent that could end up sending Trump to prison after the election as well.

So what’s Tucker Carlson doing? Our guess is he thinks this is all about to start going deeply south for Trump and the Republicans, and he’s trying to retain relative credibility with his audience by going hard after a Republican who has been caught trying to illegally profit off the coronavirus crisis. The thing is, after Carlson was off the air, the news broke that Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler, Jim Inhofe, and Ron Johnson also made stock trades that could potentially qualify as insider trading. So what will Carlson do now that he’s facing the prospect of having to call for a whole bunch of GOP Senators to go to prison?

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