Is this why Dr. Fauci was missing today?

When Donald Trump held yet another coronavirus press conference today, respected expert Dr. Anthony Fauci was conspicuously absent, even as Trump began making ridiculous false claims about a drug called Chloroquine. This left everyone to wonder why Fauci was missing.

At the time, Palmer Report wrote this: “There are three possible explanations for why Dr. Fauci was missing today. The first would be that it was something harmless; he simply had some other meeting he had to be at. One can only hope that this is the case, because the other two explanations are more dire.”

Now it turns out Dr. Fauci has popped up on an MSNBC coronavirus special tonight, as well as other media appearances. So hopefully he really did just skip the press conference because he felt he needed to use these media opportunities to educate the public.

If Dr. Fauci were there today, he probably could have jumped in and corrected Trump’s false claims about Chloroquine. Hopefully he’ll be back in action tomorrow. The problem with having a mentally and psychologically incompetent President of the United States is that he needs constant babysitting in order to protect us all from his idiocy.

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