Tucker Carlson completely loses it

Tucker Carlson went nuts on television this week and went off on a diatribe about Congress. The reason for Tucker’s anguish is that people dared to clap for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. And this appeared to enrage Tucker because he began spewing anger toward Congress, equating them to seals.
“Almost every person in the room clapped like a seal,” Tucker exclaimed, clearly thinking that being compared to a seal was a terrible thing. “Send me more money,” Tucker howled. “I command you. Send me more money.” It was something to see.
Tucker Carlson, who has never been at war in his life except for possibly deciding which hair gel to use, came across like a lunatic. It’s not surprising that Tucker would take Putin’s side, as that is what he’s been doing from the start.
Over and over again, Tucker howls about the unfairness of supporting our friends, the Ukrainians. It has got to the point where he does not even bother to contain his disdain for either Ukraine or anyone supporting them.
Of course, comparing Tucker Carlson to Zelenskyy is like comparing a cockroach to a bed of delightful roses. But I still marvel that people WATCH this twerp. Tucker obsessed on how much clapping was done. On and on, he went about it. I have a theory. And that theory is that Tucker is jealous. It is often hard for people to keep their personal beliefs out of their work. It’s especially hard when one has a platform to talk about oneself and one’s beliefs every night.
And for someone Like Tucker, who I suspect never did have many friends, it’s got to sting. Zelenskyy is looked on with such love — and Tucker is looked on with Contempt by most people. Despite his ratings, most Americans don’t watch Tucker. Most Americans don’t watch fox at all. And most Americans support clapping like seals and they support Zelenskyy.
So let Tucker rail against us, calling us seals and letting it out of his system. Zelenskyy has the support of most of the world, and he has admiration and respect– all things I suspect Tucker most likely will never see.
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