House Republicans in disarray

White it would be preferable to have kept the House through 2024 rather than cede power to the GOP, that party’s state of disarray is a pretty stark reminder of not only why we need to keep voting to prevent them from holding a government office, but of what a party in disarray looks like.

If you want an idea of how extreme the GOP has gotten over the last decade, consider that Mitch McConnell is compromising with Democrats in order to keep the government funded rather than hold the economy hostage for a bunch of things his party has no chance in hell of ever getting.

This is far from saying that McConnell has suddenly become one of the good guys. He’s doing it because his party no longer has a majority in the Senate and that he’s wildly unpopular with a Republican House majority who can’t really do much of anything to him. This is the difference between having a Democratic majority in the Senate and not having one – as the GOP is in disarray and desperate for someone to blame for their failures but doesn’t know who it is.

It’s also probably the best demonstration for why their politics are terrible. It’s a good start but it doesn’t mean we get a break from fighting the GOP as they’re going to only fight back harder than ever – but it shows that if we do, we can and must defeat them for the good of the country.

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