Donald Trump really is trying to kill us all

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It’s official: “president” Donald Trump is trying to kill us. Continuing to completely ignore science and the people who understand it, Trump wants to “reopen” the economy. In his press conference, he said: “It’s bad, and obviously the numbers are going to increase with time, and they’re going to start to decrease, and we’re going to be opening our country up for business because our country was meant to be open.” It is very difficult to decide where to even start with Trump’s stupidity, something of which he appears to be proud, or perhaps he’s so stupid he doesn’t know he’s stupid.

Trump obviously doesn’t think before he speaks. Yes, the numbers will increase over time. That’s why it’s called a pandemic. And yes, they will eventually decrease at some point. He sounds like Captain Obvious. The problem, however, is that the numbers are continuing to rise, yet Trump thinks it’s best for all of us to go back to work. You first, Trump. He even had the nerve to compare coronavirus to the flu (again) and to automobile accidents. As I’m wont to say these days, I.Just.Can’t. Then, the Washington Post revealed some very interesting information that could well be behind Trump’s push for us to go back to business as usual.

According to WaPo, prior to his call for reopening the economy, six of his top-earning clubs and resorts had been shut down. Ah, Trump’s position now makes sense. As long as his businesses are down, Trump is losing millions. So, it’s Trump who is worried about the economic impact on him and his crime family not its impact on any of us. No wonder the Republicans want to shove their “stimulus” package down our throats. Trump will be the first in line for a corporate welfare check.

Trump has a conflict of interest between his job and his businesses, from which he promised to divest and never did. While he should be giving words of encouragement to Americans and convincing us that he is doing everything in his power to help, he’s really thinking about how to help himself. He couldn’t care less about anyone coming to his resorts and leaving with coronavirus. He cares about lining his pockets and not much else. He is a sad man. Trump’s only resort that remains open will likely be closed shortly.

If Trump wants to do the U.S. a favor, he should go ahead and resign, though we know his ego won’t allow him to do that. He has done much more harm than good by passing along unsubstantiated information, which Joe Biden graciously called “misinformation” during his appearance on The View. Thanks for continuing to try to show Trump how a real president behaves, Joe, but it will never penetrate Trump’s thick skull. If Trump needs something to do that’s better suited to his mental abilities, he should go and check on Rand Paul.

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