Trump White House fires multiple staffers

As Donald Trump’s illegitimate presidency figuratively burns in scandal and controversy, advisers and staffers are now running from the Trump White House as if it were actually burning. In the past week we’ve seen the abrupt resignations of Communications Director Hope Hicks and chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, two household names, but they’re far from the only ones who have been exiting the building. Some of the others haven’t been leaving by choice.

As part of its ongoing belated and panicked response to the security clearance scandal, the Trump White House fired a whole lot of staffers yesterday. The names haven’t been disclosed, but the New York Daily News says that one of them was central to Melania Trump’s staff (link). Even more firings, resignations, and reassignments are supposed to be on the way in the coming days.

Notably, Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump were not fired, even though they haven’t been able to pass the customary background check either; Kushner did finally lose his provisional Top Secret security clearance. Seemingly undeterred at having lost his ability to access classified information for his nonexistent White House job, Kushner has run off to Mexico to meet with Mexican government leaders for no good reason.

The departures from Donald Trump’s White House are nothing new. In fact Trump has lost such an unusually large number of senior advisers and officials in his first year in office, most of them amid controversy or scandal, it’s become difficult to recite them all off the top of one’s head. Help support Palmer Report

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