Trump supporters thrown out of restaurant in Trump Tower

In New York City, a small group of visitors threaded their way into a restaurant inside the Trump Tower. It was called the Trump Grill. And I imagine this group was hungry. But something was deeply wrong.

The restaurant refused to allow this group to eat there. It seems they would have to satisfy their appetites at a different eatery. The reason given for not allowing admittance? No proof of vaccination by the customers. It would seem that The Trump Grill requires their customers to be vaccinated and show proof. This caused the customers an epic meltdown that was caught on camera.

He’s a “fraud,” one of them screamed. I say, are you REALLY just finding this out NOW? Hypocritical, the protesters said. I say, what did you expect? He’s supposed to be for America, one of the protesters said. I say, why would Trump be for anything other than himself?

“All talk but no action,” one of them said. I’d certainly agree with this statement. The moral of this story? I won’t even bother. I think you know the answer to that one. Merry Christmas, everybody.

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