Donald Trump is in trouble and he knows it

As the 2020 campaign draws near, “President” Donald Trump is facing some pretty dismal polling numbers. He has downplayed the numbers in recent weeks, but several news outlets are now revealing why these numbers are such a sticking point for Trump. Someone on Trump’s campaign team has leaked his internal numbers, and they’re sad (for him, not for us).
Trump is trailing all viable Democrats in key battleground states, and he is trailing Joe Biden the most. No wonder he’s been attacking Biden. Trump barely beat Clinton in several states, and he needs those again to best his Democratic challenger. According to NBC news, Joe Biden leads Trump in the following states by the following margins: Virginia, 55% to 38%; Maine, 53% to 38%; Minnesota, 54% to 40%; and Michigan, 53% to 40%. While this is very bad news for Trump, if these numbers hold, it’s very good news for the rest of us. Trump, of course, has excuses for these numbers.
First, according to Trump, “The Fake (Corrupt) News Media” claims his team had a leak. Apparently, they did. Why else fire people whom they suspect to be at the root of the leak? According to CNN, Adam Geller, who was a pollster for Trump’s 2016 campaign and who is close to campaign manager Brad Parscale, was let go. The other pollster let go is Michael Baselice, president and CEO of Baselice & Associates, Inc., who joined the Trump campaign at the end of 2016 and who is also allegedly close to Parscale. Maybe they need to look at Parscale.
Second, Trump’s team claims these numbers are old. The numbers are from March, but they have not changed much in the sense that Trump is still losing. Even Fox News shows Biden ten points ahead of Trump in a poll published Saturday, June 15. Apparently, the age of those internal polls is irrelevant, and Trump is in trouble. The Democrats need to keep him on the ropes until we learn the identity of the nominee, and then, go for the knockout punch.
Trump is scared. If the polls hold up, he stands to lose Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Michigan, all of which he barely “won” against Clinton. Again, if these polls become reality, Trump leads Texas by a mere two percentage points. A Democrat hasn’t won Texas since Jimmy Carter took the state in 1976. If the Democrats can take Texas, that victory will be a true referendum against Trump, his non-effective policies, and his hateful, racist, unprofessional rhetoric.
In the meantime, Donald Trump continues to do what he does best, lie. NBC News quotes him when asked about the internal polling data: “We are winning in every single state that we’ve polled. We’re winning in Texas very big. We’re winning in Ohio very big. We’re winning in Florida very big.” Keep it up, Trump. Pacify your base while we sneak up on you and kick you to where you belong: The curb.
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Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years