Exposed: Donald Trump’s treason is so severe, he’s been hiding the worst of it from his own people

From the start, Donald Trump has been rather open and casual about his treasonous relationship with Russia. During the election, he publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, a cyber war crime. Since illegitimately taking office, he’s stood next to Putin while attacking the United States.
From the outside it’s seemed that everyone in Donald Trump’s immediate circle has been in on the treason, either unfazed by it, or actively participating in it. Certainly, none of them can pretend that they somehow don’t know what we all know. But it turns out the worst of Trump’s treason is so severe, he’s actually gone to great lengths to hide it even from his own people.
In a stunning new bombshell from the Washington Post today, we’re learning that after Donald Trump has spoken privately with Vladimir Putin, he’s personally seized the interpreter’s notes, and ordered the interpreter not to discuss the details with anyone. It’s one thing to try to prevent such secrets from becoming public; Trump has clearly been afraid even his own complicit underlings might turn against him if they learned just how treasonous these conversations have been.
This comes just one day after the New York Times bombshell about the FBI having opened a counterintelligence investigation into Donald Trump in mid 2017. We don’t think this is a coincidence. This appears to be part of a new pattern in which leaks that could only have been sanctioned by Robert Mueller are now surfacing on a daily basis. We think Mueller is laying the groundwork for the big bomb he’s about to drop on Trump’s head.