Told you Ron DeSantis was in trouble

When Palmer Report pointed out a few months ago that Florida was turning on Ron DeSantis, a reporter from Politico mocked us for it. Today’s Politico headline: “Florida starts turning on DeSantis.” This is why you read Palmer Report. Everyone in the media knew back then that DeSantis was in trouble; we were just the only ones willing to say it until recently.

– Speaking of Ron DeSantis, at the rate he’s killing people in Florida, he must own stock in coffin companies.

– Last night Palmer Report (and a lot of others) took the New York Times to task for publishing an essentially fictional article which claimed that DeSantis had made a “strong” push on vaccinations in Florida. The legendary Dan Rather summed it up best today, tweeting this to the New York Times: “May I suggest a slight reframing of the story of COVID in Florida. I mean… really???”

– Tweet of the day, from Stella Parton: “You’re entitled not to get vaccinated. You’re entitled to not wear a mask. How dare you feel entitled to take up a hospital bed, medical care and equipment for your Covid infection when innocent people who can’t help themselves need that space, attention and medical equipment!”

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