Sarah Huckabee Sanders is toast

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Eight days ago, a major news outlet reported that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was planning to resign before much longer. She immediately jumped on Twitter to deny the report. Here’s the thing, though: since that time, she’s gone dark in a way that you typically only do if you are indeed on the verge of quitting.

On June 13th, Huckabee Sanders posted a tweet refuting the CBS News report that she was going to quit. In the eight days since, she hasn’t authored a single tweet. She did a few non-partisan retweets on the 14th and 15th, but then her official @PressSec account on Twitter went dark entirely for four days. Last night her account retweeted Donald Trump’s defense of Kirstjen Nielsen. But that’s it. She’s a Press Secretary who is no longer doing any press secretary-ing. We’ve seen this before.

Prior to June 13th, Huckabee Sanders had typically been using the @PressSec account one to five times per day. We checked, and she hasn’t been on vacation this week; she’s simply gone dark. Back when it was becoming clear that Trump’s former Press Secretary Sean Spicer was going to leave, he also began phoning it in on Twitter, in similar fashion. At one point Spicer wasn’t bothering to do anything with the @PressSec account, even as he used his personal account to tweet about baseball scores instead. Shortly after the baseball tweet, Spicer resigned.

It’s not just Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Twitter account that’s gone dark. She was also missing from her own White House press briefing the other day, and Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen flew in from several states away to cover for her. How much longer before Huckabee Sanders makes her resignation official? It won’t be soon before long.

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