Donald Trump just got busted, and now Brett Kavanaugh is probably toast

Donald Trump’s brain is clinically wired to lie, cheat, steal, and scam, to the point that he does it even when it’s to his detriment. Sometimes it pays off (he’s sitting in the Oval Office), and sometimes it costs him dearly (he’ll likely end up penniless and imprisoned once this is over). This time around, Trump tried to rig the FBI investigation into his scandalous and maniacal Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. He just got busted.

Trump seemed to think no one would notice if he secretly ordered the FBI not to speak with one of Kavanaugh’s three named accusers, Julie Swetnick. But her attorney quickly revealed that the FBI hadn’t contacted her yet, which prompted the FBI – which despises Trump – to leak to the media that it was forbidden from investigating her allegations.

So now this has all rather quickly turned into a disaster for Trump. This scheme would only have worked if the public didn’t find out about it until it was too late. Instead it’s headline news now, and rather obviously, Trump won’t get away with it.

So now that Donald Trump has been busted, we’ll see if he decides to cave and allow a full FBI investigation, or if Kavanaugh withdraws over the weekend. It’s clear that Kavanaugh fears that the Swetnick accusations could not only disqualify him, but also leave him incarcerated. Trump just reminded us yet again that he’s an overconfident idiot who never thinks he’s going to get caught.

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