Time’s up, Donald Trump

Everyone is crying out for action against Donald Trump. One of the most startling requests for justice came from a group of retired generals and admirals, who wrote an op ed for The New York Times. In their piece, these retired members of the military wrote that Trump “abdicated his duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”

Trump’s allies wanted to involve the military in seizing voting machines and overseeing a re-do of the election, which infuriated these career servicepeople. They believe that had this occurred, it would have given civilians control over the military, something that must be avoided at all costs. Indeed, they believe that the strength of our democracy resides within the realm of keeping the military separate. The belief that Trump committed dereliction of duty that day has not been lost on the House Select Committee.

According to The Hill, that is exactly the next step the committee is taking. Now that they finally have access to records from the National Archives, the committee plans to show all the takes from Trump’s speech telling rioters to leave the Capitol. Washington Post went into even greater detail about this fiasco. They described Trump as “struggling” to tell the rioters to leave. He called them “patriots” all while refusing to admit that the election was over, and he lost.

In fact, Washington Post reported that possibly the only thing that made Trump act was that his cabinet members were discussing invoking the 25th Amendment to immediately remove him from office. What in the world was Trump thinking that day? He lost, and he should have simply moved on like others before him have done. Regardless of what his followers believe, he did absolutely nothing to enhance the lives of citizens of this country during his “administration.” Besides, the people had spoken, and he was out. That should have been the end of it. The problem, however, is that Trump will never allow this to end.

Washington Post reported that Speaker of the House Robin Vos of Wisconsin recounted that Trump had called him “within the last week,” trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election. It is obvious that there is something seriously wrong with that man. In conjunction with this story, Washington Post reported that a ruling by the Wisconsin Supreme Court prompted Trump’s call because the court ruled that “most absentee ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin are illegal.”

The important point missed by Trump is that the court was referring to future elections, and their ruling had absolutely nothing to do with the election Trump lost. After Vos politely declined, Trump took to his failed (like everything else in his life) social media platform to denounce Vos’s denial of his request: “What a waste of a brilliant and courageous decision by Wisconsin’s Highest Court,” he wrote. What an idiot. He probably didn’t even read the opinion, not that he could comprehend it anyway.

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