Tim Ryan comes out swinging

Tim Ryan of Ohio has a real chance of winning. And it’s driving Republicans crazy. Many in the GOP thought they had Ohio in the bag. Their candidate JD Vance was the man of the hour. With national name recognition due to his best-selling book, Hillbilly Elegy, the GOP was confident.

Well — that confidence has drained away, reduced to a GOP puddle of pure panic. And that is because Vance is not running away with Ohio as the GOP thought he would. And Tim Ryan’s numbers look better and better with each passing week

“A man of the people.” That is what so many Ohioans are saying about Ryan. He is an electrifying presence, and his debate performances have undoubtedly been spectacular.

Moscow Mitch is having to pour more money into Ohio as Republicans try and play defense there. But we have a real opportunity here for a pickup. Ryan fits Ohio perfectly, and judging by the polls, lots of Ohioans know it.

The other reason Ryan is doing so well is that his opponent, JD Vance, is running one of the worst campaigns in history. Vance has several problems. One is that he is lazy. He doesn’t actually seem to LIKE campaigning. This is noticeable because of how few events he’s done.

He also does not appear to have strong policy positions on much of anything. JD Vance is like the wind — one day, it blows this way, another day it blows that way. Vance lacks authenticity. And people are noticing the big time.

The upcoming couple of weeks are very important, so if you are donating — now’s the time to step it up for Ryan. It would be wonderful to win Ohio, and never have we been so close to doing just that. Donate to Tim Ryan here.

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