Donald Trump has unleashed a tidal wave against him

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Donald Trump’s decision to separate thousands of immigrant kids from their parents, and lock them inside cages in concentration camps, spells out all too clearly what we already knew: he’s a monster. In the process of taking things in this monstrous direction, Trump has also unwittingly done something else: he’s unleashed a tidal wave against him.

While Donald Trump was walking through the Capitol building today, NBC News reports that an unidentified individual yelled “Mr. President, f— you!” at him. To be clear, we don’t recommend doing this sort of thing; Politico reports that the Capitol Police are now looking for the individual in question. But this incident is a microcosm for how the majority of the nation is feeling right now, and how vocal the nation is becoming when it comes to mobilizing against this monster – in ways that are far more substantive than merely cursing him out to his face.

Mainstream Americans have taken such a fierce stance against Trump’s child camps, his own political party is now afraid of how to handle this. If far too many of the Republicans in Congress don’t understand right and wrong, they do understand the prospect of losing their seats. People are marching in protest near these camps; far larger rallies are being organized as we speak. Donations are pouring in to the civil rights groups that are working to protect and defend these kids.

While the Resistance against Donald Trump has been strong throughout his time in office, we haven’t seen this level of pushback since the early days, when the Women’s March took over major cities, and protesters took over major airports. Mainstream Americans have made clear that there is no bigger issue in this country than liberating these kids from Trump’s clutches, and they’re not going to let it go until this is resolved. At this rate, the resolution of this child cages mess may well include Trump’s ouster.

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