Those around Donald Trump say he’s become disconnected from reality and reduced to “magical thinking” about his indictment

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Donald Trump keeps publicly posting all caps tirades about how he’s going to be arrested and how everyone is out to get him and how he’ll magically prevail no matter what. But what’s really going on inside his warped, unhinged, broken mind?

Trump keeps privately telling the people around him that he’s excited about getting arrested, because he sees it as an opportunity to play to the cameras, according to a new expose from the New York Times. But instead of understanding the severity of the legal situation he’s in, Trump is “significantly disconnected” from reality and is spending much of his time playing golf or playing DJ.

Worse for Trump, even when he does privately discuss the criminal indictments he’s facing with the people around him, he’s only willing to talk about them in terms of how he should defiantly mug for the cameras and such. Instead of talking actual legal strategy and trial strategy, Trump is obsessed with the idea that he can magically bully prosecutors into just dropping the cases against him.

I’ve pointed out a number of times that Donald Trump cannot just magically swat away criminal indictments and somehow keep the wheels from his campaign from falling off as his life becomes all about his next arraignment or his next “Yes your honor” humiliation in front of a judge.

Interestingly, the Times is now flat out accusing Trump of engaging in “magical thinking” about how he’s just make this all go away it. After spending two years hyping the notion that Trump was going to somehow magically just make all of his criminal troubles vanish, it’s notable that the mainstream media is now finally acknowledging in exact words that Trump’s “strategies” are indeed nothing more than magical thinking that won’t get him anywhere in the criminal justice system.

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