This North Carolina Supreme Court gerrymandering ruling doesn’t change our strategy for taking back the House in 2204

Well we knew the North Carolina Supreme Court was going to rule in favor of congressional gerrymandering. So be it. Our marching orders for 2024 are still the same. We put in the work on competitive House races and we take back the majority. Be pissed. Don’t be discouraged. We put in the work, we win.

We’re going to have a national strategy to flip the House, and this ruling doesn’t really change it. We’ll have our list of the most competitive House races and we’ll go win them, and we’ll take the majority.

As for fixing North Carolina, now is good time to listen to the “good guys” in that state, as far as next steps. They have a real problem there with their state Supreme Court, and when the time comes, we’ll need to focus on flipping it.

In the meantime, I’m telling you, we can win the House. My math for winning the House majority was already based on the presumption of losing this North Carolina ruling. If we focus on the most competitive House races, and do what needs done, the odds remain in our favor. Let’s be more determined than ever to take back the House in 2024.

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